Having Trouble Writing Anything? READ THIS BOOK!

Have you ever picked up a book and started reading and realized that you have lost track of time and didn’t realize it. You can’t seem to put it down because you are so invested in the story for no reason other than you feel hypnotized by the words you are reading. (I felt that way the last time I read Harry Potter).

Imagine what it would be like if people hung on your every word like that.  Imagine having hundreds or even thousands of people clamor for what you are going to say or show them next. You don’t have to be a rock star or even a celebrity to make this happen. You just have to know how to get their attention.

This is one of the many, many things that I learned in this book that I want to share with you: Hypnotic Selling Secrets: Trigger Your Buyer’s Subconscious by Dr. Joe Vitale. I have heard of Joe Vitale before because his books show up in my Kindle feed every so often, but this particular book caught my attention last month and this one immediately caught my attention. (Guess why?) I soon realized that this one is a gem.

Now don’t let the title completely fool you. Yes, this is a book for copywriters and marketers, but there is a tremendous amount of information for everyone else as well. Say you are on social media and you want to get more engagement with your posts. This book can help with that. Or you are like me, an artist who simply wants to sell her work, but gets  brain-freezy every time you have to come up with one more post for social media. This book can help with that.

I found so much information in this book (about 200 pages) that I had to slow down and start taking notes so that I could keep it organized in my brain. It was like taking a $10,000 marketing course that I only paid $10 for. I’m not affiliated with this book. I just loved this book so much I wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

There are so many great things about social media: connecting with friends and family, learning about things that interest you, following the goings-on of your favorite celebrities, but there are also some downsides. Social media is a here-one-minute-gone-the-next arena. So often you have one brief window to get the attention you’re looking for before the curtain closes and the lights are down. That’s why this book is such a game-changer. It gives you all kinds of words and phrases that will hypnotize your audience to read every word that you write, because you have drawn them into the story that they can’t help but be a part of.

Also don’t be surprised when you start seeing these how these tricks are used by others

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Be Designed Art Studio

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